Goldwell Open Air Museum & Artist Residency depends on the public’s interest, generosity and support in order to continue the services we provide to artists, writers and composers, and to the public and help preserve a unique piece of Nevada’s history.
Goldwell Open Air Museum is classified as a 501(c)3 nonprofit tax exempt organization by the Internal Revenue Service and all contributions are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. We estimate that a one-month residency for an artist, writer or composer costs approximately $2,500.
The artist-in-residence is provided a monetary stipend, travel support, a private bedroom in the 2,000 sq. ft Goldwell House, 24-hour studio access to the Red Barn Art Center, staff support, uninterrupted time, and the extraordinary experience of creating in the Amargosa Desert landscape.
Thank you!!
Become A Patreon
Basic Patreon memberships for individuals or families start at $5/month
You may also choose what small monthly contribution if you’d like that will go towards our short and long-term goals.
Goldwell’s long term goals as of the fall of 2024 are to continue the preservation of the permanent sculptures and the land they live on. We will develop more varied self-sustaining educational and cultural programs. We have 3 goals that we have planned for 2025. In the spring, we will be rebuilding the wood plinth that Albert Szukalski’s “Last Supper” sculpture sits on, we will make a book from gathered archive material that Goldwell has collected since its initiation in 1984, and in the Fall we will reinstate the Goldwell Red Barn Artist Residency that proved to be successful from 2007-2014.