More Ways To Give


The Museum has ongoing needs for volunteers to assist with sculpture and grounds maintenance, to welcome visitors at the site, gallery sitting, to help with events, and to serve on its Board of Directors or Committees (Fundraising, Marketing, Programming.)
Please email or sign up on our email list for current opportunities.

Paypal Giving Fund

PayPal Giving Fund helps people support their favorite charities online. Donations received through PayPal receive an official donation receipt and the donation goes directly to our organizations Paypal account.

Wish List

The Museum maintains a wish list for items for its studio and office, as well as for donated services.
Current needs include:

Plumbing Expertise
Art Supplies
Track or Work Lights

Bequests and Gifts of Stock, Property, and Life Insurance

The Goldwell Open Air Museum can also be named as a remainder beneficiary for a designated amount or percentage in your will. The Museum also accepts gifts of stock, real property, and life insurance.
Please email for more information about planned giving.