Artist Residency & Workspace Program


Goldwell Open Air Museum seeks to continue Albert Szukalski’s art making vision in the area by offering Artist Residency and Workspace Programs to challenge and support the creative growth of artists from a variety of disciplines. The Artist Residency at Goldwell offers the gift of time, space and solitude to competitively selected individuals working in all artistic disciplines.

lThe Artist Workspace Program offers the ability to reserve the 2,500 square foot Red Barn Art Center for use as a large, private studio for up to six weeks at a time.  Contact us for further details. Currently the program is on hold while we renovate the Big Red Barn.

Red Barn Art Center

The Red Barn Art Center is a rustic facility with a cement floor and an open rafter ceiling. It features two roll-up steel doors, a 40′ wide gallery wall, restroom, an RV pad and electrical hookup. Water is trucked to the site. An industrial swamp cooler can provide cooling for the building during the hot summer months.


Rental Fee | Lodging

Rental fee is $300 per week.  Lodging is not included, although your personal, self-contained RV may be allowed. Motels or camping options are also available in nearby Beatty.

To inquire about the Artist Workspace Program, please send us an email at