Pictured is the Pink Lady painting party of 2005.
Dr. Hugo (Hugo Heyrman) created Lady Desert: The Venus of Nevada at the Goldwell Open Air Museum in 1992 and she has stood the test of time as one of the Museum’s most photographed works. But women, they get weary wearing the same shabby coat of paint. The sun and the elements have done their job to dull her glow, so the Goldwell Open Air Museum is planning a work weekend to return her to her former luster!
Goldwell artists Suzanne Hackett-Morgan and Michelle Graves will lead a PINK LADY PAINT PARTY, May 18 at the museum site near the ghost town of Rhyolite.
Following the recommendations of sculpture conservator, Andrea Morse, of the Sculpture Conservation Studio in Los Angeles, the party will perform critical conservation treatments as well as work on other sculpture maintenance projects, including fixing Chris Kallymer’s “Bottle Fence” at the nearby Red Barn Art Center.
Goldwell Open Air Museum is a Nevada nonprofit organization that preserves and encourages artistic exploration in and of the Amargosa Desert near Death Valley National Park. The Museum cares for an 8-acre outdoor sculpture park near the ghost town of Rhyolite and is best known for the ghostly “Last Supper” sculpture by Belgian artist Albert Szukalski.
View the 2005 documentation of the 1st revitalization of the Pink Lady in our documentary “Shiny Things: Life After Albert Szukalski “ at the 9:25 mark.