Eames Demetrios
Born in USA, Kymerican plaque, 2006
Rhyolite’s District of Shadows
Principal of the Eames Office, filmmaker, author, design consultant, photographer, and creator of alternate realities, Eames Demetrios uses his varied talents in much the same way his iconic grandparents Charles and Ray Eames did, to communicate ideas through visual languages.
Eames Demetrios has worn a number of different hats since graduating from Harvard Film School, including multimedia work, consulting, exhibition design, and ten years as director of the Eames Office, spearheading the successful re-discovery of the Charles and Ray Eames design heritage by a new generation. He also designed the Powers of Ten Interactive CD-ROM and the Powers of Ten Exhibition a traveling, site-specific exhibition which went to 9 different museums in 3 countries.
His current large-scale project showcases yet another side of Demetrios work. Kymaerica is a multi-pronged and ongoing reinterpretation of the North American landscape and has been underway for several years. Manifestations include writings, video, performances, images, installation, limited edition prints, and more. It may be the largest installation of environmental fiction in the world.